Dental acrylic resins
Acrylic resins are mostly produced synthetically. They are the basis for many dental substitutes (prosthetics basis, fillings, artificial teeth). However, the influence of the oral cavity environment on dental substitutes is poorly understood. The prosthetic dentistry uses a a variety of dent. acrylic resins.
Temporary filling materials
Colored acrylic resins for dental fillings, mainly apply to inorganic materials such as filled composites (highly conc. diacryls).
Denture plastics
Denture plastics are used for removable dentures and removable orthodontic appliances. These include polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and copolymers. Permanent
Soft plastics
are called copolymers. The are mainly used for mouth guards and soft permanent sub feedings.
Dental crowns and bridge materials
are used for composites or so-called temporaries. Those materials are mainly acrylics or composites.
Moulding methods and acrylic resin bases
In our days,certein resin materials get replaced by silicone
Acrylic Modelling
Epoxide or PMMA are sometimes used for dental modelling.
Modelling composites
are based on PMMA or diacryls. They are used in dental technologies such as precast.
» Zircon
» Noble metals
» NEM-alloys
» Dental Resins
Suppliers / Products
Ceramics / Acrylic resin veneers:
Vita: Vita Omega 900, Vita VM 7, Vitaderr Alpha, Vita Response
Wieland: Reflex, Imagine
Dentaurum: Triceram
Noritake: EX 3, C Z R
ESPE: Sinfony
Dentsply: Biodent K + B Plus
KFO-/ Denture plastics:
Alldent: Alldent Sinomer anti-allergy acrylic resin
Dentsply: selectaplus
Schütz: Futura Gen
Dentaurum: Orthocryl
Candulor: Aesthetic
Erkodent: Resitit - s
Splint materials:
Erkodent: Erkolor, Erkoflex
Scheu: Durosoft