The Schütz Zahntechnik GmbH is not only working with providing, and/or supporting dental technology. Personal and financial resources are also used to enrich social projects. This is done in different ways and areas. See for yourself…
New giraffe house in the zoo of Dresden
With the support of many sponsors, including our commitment and donations, the ground-breaking ceremony for the new giraffe house in the zoo of Dresden has been successfully celebrated on the 07th of April 2008.
After more than 20 years without having giraffes, the zoo of Dresden is planning on building a new giraffe house. So far, for the members of the supporting association called “Zoofreunde”, it is the biggest project they ever worked on. Around € 1.2 million are the estimated costs. A charity project to raise some money is running since 2000. The association has to pay one third of all total costs, therefore a around 400.000 euros. The entire project will be financed by the City of Dresden, the zoo and the association.
Report on the status of work on the -Berger Pyramide- in Schmiedeberg
In our last community newspaper of April, I declared that we are looking forward to build a typical and traditional pyramid (erzgebirgsche Pyramide) in Schmiedeberg.
This intention is becoming reality. If everything goes well, we will have for this Christmas season another festival to celebrate. By then all the work should be done. But until then, there is still a lot of work to do.
For that reason, I kindly ask you to make this project to our common cause. Please, support the construction of the pyramid with a small donation.
Many citizens have already helped and became supporters. I also would like to ask artisans and companies to support the project -Berger pyramid- with their participation.
Thank you for the services which were provided so far and for the donations by Rainer Krenkel, who directs the coordination. I also want to thank Siegfried Fuchs from Naundorf for his technical support and project planning. Also special thanks to the “Schmiedeberger foundry”, which shares a lot of material with us.
I also want to thank the Schuetz Zahntechnik GmbH for the big financial support, the wood sculptor Günter Weichelt, the Caver Association, and Mrs. Monika Lotze for her designs after which the figures are manufactured.
I want to thank the company Kleber-Heißerer, which already prepared the foundation on the new parking lot at the Bürgerhaus, and I thank the cabinetmaker`s company Wagner and Aulhorn, as well as the electrician company Schütz which already confirmed their participation. Certainly, the list is incomplete simply because many services still need to be done. Please support this great idea, so that this pyramid will also become -your- pyramid.
We thank all citizens who donated money to the project and we thank the following donors for their contribution or money transference to the account of the municipality:
The company Zahntechnik Schütz, the Weitfeld family, the Schosnig family, the Rössel family, the Hacker family, and the Land- und Forsthof Göbel. 2.280,00 € have been donated so far.
Thank you for your support.
The people of Schmiedeberg induct their new pyramid
an article in the Saechsischen Zeitung
(a German newspaper)
Schmiedeberg. Yesterday afternoon, around 500 participants unveiled and inducted the new pyramid in Schmiedeberg. It shows hand-made figures on four floors. Each floor has its own typical theme: mining, metal processing,agriculture and forestry. A brass band is located on the top floor. Mayor Karl-Günter Schneider (CDU) estimates the value of the pyramid of over 40000 €.
ADiA / Being a German and English teacher in PERU
- A REPORT by Tillmann SchützEvery young German man has to go to a special military medical examination -the Musterung-. After that, if he is healthy and fit enough, he must choose between military and/or social service. Many young man choose the military, many choose a social service, but only a few look for an alternative, the other service abroad (Anderer Dienst im Ausland). This is a social service which is a full replacement for both options (military or civil service).
From the very beginning on, it was clear that I will not face military drill. And so I went on August 23rd 2007, to Peru to do my -other service abroad- with the support of AFS (The American Field Service). Since I successfully participated in a student exchange program in the United States, I looked for a different country, a Spanish-speaking one - Peru!
I currently live with a host family in Huancayo, a town in the middle of the Peruvian Andes. Hot running water, heating, and clean streets are not existing. Beggars, robbers, alcoholics, or large dogs herds were scaring me very often. Life in the land of the Incas is not always easy. It often lacks the people of money and education. Exactly that I am trying to change a little bit with my social work.
I am a German and English teacher or sometimes assistant in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade at an elementary school for worker children. These young people have to support their parents financially with simple work, and they have to go to school at the same time. Many children work as shoe shiners, sweet sellers, etc. Whenever possible, they come to school.
There are six classes in my school. The First & Second, Third & Fourth, and Fifth & Sixth grade are taught together in three rooms. Consequently, there are three teachers. The school -Helen Kremos- was founded in 1994. The headline of the institute is -education-, so that the kids gain a maximum of possible knowledge. Students who have a little amount of money do wear school uniforms.
In addition to math, writing, and science, the children learn how to properly wash themselves and how to dress right. A great success is the computer science class on campus. The school is very proud of this.
So far, I have lived and worked five months in Peru. For me it was not always easy. Because of bacteria in the food and the environment, I was often sick. I was able to learn a little Spanish. It was very interesting to get to know more about a different culture, places, and traditions of this South American country. I will spend six more months here. After that, my service will be over, and I will return to Germany. I am curious what the future will bring. Keep on fighting is my personal slogan!